
Most courses and classes are taught by Joan Batson, although we do offer special courses from other teachers which is clearly noted in course descriptions.

Joan Batson

Joan Batson
Mrs. Batson is the owner of Batson Independent Education, Ltd. She worked as a Natural Science Academy teacher at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History for 10 years. She developed and taught programs for Camp Earth, preschool through 8th grade science classes, homeschool classes and enrichment classes for Girl and Boy Scouts on a variety of subjects including  Biology, Paleontology, and Anthropology.  Mrs. Batson taught for the Challenge Program, the North Hills Catholic Diocese’s gifted program, held at LaRoche College.  She also taught several enrichment programs at PALS, a homeschool cooperative.

Mrs. Batson has taught Science Enrichment Classes for Preschoolers and Kindergartners at Cross Roads Preschool since 2009, and at Salem Preschool since 2011. She has current clearances on file.

My favorite student

My favorite student

She is also a homeschool parent, working with her son from seventh grade through graduation.  They were the first, and only, homeschool family in their town, and her son was the first homeschool student at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Engineering.  Mrs. Batson continues to work with and encourage homeschool families.

Batson Independent Education

Our Mission

The mission of Batson Independent Education is to provide individualized instruction that challenges and encourages the unique learning style of each student. Our purpose is to provide enrichment that stimulates creative  intellectual curiosity. We honor diversity in philosophies, backgrounds, and abilities. We support families to help them make informed education choices to best fit their needs. Batson Independent Education celebrates independent thinkers.

Our Location

Areas We Serve

Batson Independent Education, Ltd. currently offers virtual classes, multi-session courses, and tutoring via Zoom. When it is safe to do so, we will resume in-person multi-session courses, single-session classes, tutoring, and field trip explorations in the Greater Pittsburgh, PA area.

The Science Enrichment Program has been a terrific addition to my son’s after school activities.  The science and nature programs each week are educational, creative, and above all fun!  Their teacher really gets the kids interested in exploring and learning about the world around them!

— parent

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Batson Independent Education, Ltd.