
Can science with Mrs. Batson be any more fun? My daughter’s enthusiasm and interest for science has blossomed this school year. She is so eager and willing to share the wealth of knowledge that she learns each week in science class. With Mrs. Batson’s witty and informative weekly newsletters, I am learning just as much as my daughter is — my brain gets energized every Friday morning! The carefully thought-out and crafted projects that are brought home every week find themselves in the special “science bin” that gets rummaged through on a daily basis. Mrs. Batson has instilled a love for learning and a love for science in my daughter. For that, we are so grateful. I can’t wait for my little one to start science with Mrs. Batson next year.

– parent

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Let’s Talk About


Let’s talk about bats. Bats are fascinating animals. Most people know that bats are the only mammals that are capable of true flight. There are more species of bats than any other mammals. There are around 1200 species found worldwide; …

I wanted to write to you to let you know how PLEASED we are with the Science Camp.  We have a 6 year old boy and a 4 year old girl enrolled in the camp and we are extremely pleased …


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