Monster Menagerie

unicornLPCurious about Unicorns, Dragons, and Sea Monsters?  What is the truth behind the myths of these creatures?  Learn about Dinosaurs, Fairy Rings, Narwhals, and more magical beasts.

Classes include discussion and exploration, scientific projects & experiments.  Don’t  miss it!

A snack is provided daily.

Age range:  4—5 (Potty trained please)

Time: 9:00 am — noon

Cost: $80.00 per child (per week)


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let's talk

Let’s Talk About


Let’s talk about bats. Bats are fascinating animals. Most people know that bats are the only mammals that are capable of true flight. There are more species of bats than any other mammals. There are around 1200 species found worldwide; …

November 2014: Mrs. Batson has been enhancing our preschool program for 4 years. We offer a Science Enrichment Program during the school year, as well as, a Summer Camp Program. Both of these programs have received rave reviews from our …


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