Hands-on science lessons
Science Enrichment Program
Have you ever wanted to perform your own science experiments? Here’s your chance! We’ll explore chemistry and physics in a very hands-on (MESSY!) way. You may have played with slime before, but have you ever seen a flying teabag? Break out the beakers and be ready to mix some oozing and erupting concoctions!
Course details
Teacher: Mrs. Joan Batson
Location: Acorn Academy, 2470 Nicholson Road, Sewickley, PA
Dates: July 29–August 3, 2024
Class schedule: 9AM–12 Noon, Monday–Friday
Program fee: $200
Students: Children 4–10 years old
Course registration: Contact Wendy Ruby, mrsruby [at] acornacademypgh [dot] com